Posts tagged lighting diagram

Table-Top with Tobias

Well that was a crazy shoot. 4 Models cancelled on me with in 24hours of the shoot so we had to improvise, the last one just hours before the shoot. Tobias (from g+ not FB) and I had talked about doing a triggertrap shoot in the past, so even with a lack of models we would test out the possibilities. We both threw stuff together and meet at the studio for and evening of experimental studio techniques.


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Picture of Dorian Gray

This week I continued my Monday night studio project with Vincent as model and Stephanie as guest  photographer. A few months ago Vincent suggested a shoot based on Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I jumped at the chance to do this shoot as the concept fitted will to a few ideas I have had floating around in the back of my head for a while now. It also bought back memories of when I read the book during a backpacking trip from Sydney to Perth way back in the mid 90’s. The concept behind this shoot was then to portray a journey of self destruction through light and lens choice, I also wanted to keep the lighting at around constant f8 (we actually shoot between f7.1 and 9) so that there was a continuation look and feel through out the night.



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