

A few weeks ago I went to Edinburgh with Tom for a long weekend of whisky tasting and photography. We also met up with Jannis and Laura who were travelling around  France and Scotland…

Basically we spent most the time walking around drinking, eating and taking photos. I knew there were a lot of cemeteries in Edinburgh but I just didn’t quite realise exactly how many. I had been to Edinburgh about 10 years ago, so I had a basic idea of where I wanted to go and what to expect. But found that exploring all the alley ways and hidden little pubs was like slipping into an other world, and was content just simply to continue exploring, drinking, eating and taking photos

If you are in Edinburgh there is a fantastic restaurant called Mums … well if you like burgers or mash potatoes and sausages its heaven. They also have a fantastic ginger cider that i couldn’t get enough of. Our basic plan was to look around Edinburgh for a few days an then meet up with the Scottish Flickr Meet up group but due to a few delays we never made it there. Unfortunately our flight home was delayed and Tom and I were stuck for half the night in a shut Edinburgh airport. Don’t have a lot more to say other than I had a great time and here are some photos.

10 Responses to 'Edinburgh'

  1. Steve says:

    Is that all you took in 4 days?… thats not like you

  2. Nice… I didn’t even sort the pictures so far…
    It was a great trip and a lot of fun!
    Looking forward to the next one! 😀 Which town is next?

    And no, the x100 doesn’t need a interchangeable lens!!! 😛

    • Scott says:

      Yeaa shame we didn’t have a few more days to explore the surrounding area a bit more. And get out to a loch or 2

  3. tom says:

    Super Bilder… Edinburgh ist eine Reise wert… ich stand vor der Entscheidung Lissabon oder Edinburgh… hab mich dann für Lissabon entschieden, in 10 Tagen gehts los.. ! Aber nachdem ich die Bilder gesehen habe möchte ich auf jeden Fall auch einmal nach Edinburgh… Grüsse von Tom

    • Scott says:

      The other Tom and I were talking about going to Lisbon next year for our Photo weekend. Last year it was Amsterdam

  4. Julie says:

    Great travel pictures. A city I would love to visit!

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